With the news that a woman died recently from an allergic reaction to her hair extensions,the awareness of health over beauty is on the rise more than ever…which makes this latest news brief super disturbing. The FDA recently did a report claiming that 400 shades of popular lipsticks contain lead.
The FDA maintains that lead in lipstick is not a cause for major panic, but the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, who has been pushing the government to set lead levels in lipstick for years, makes the point that lead builds up overtime. Mark Mitchell, co-chairman of the Environmental Health Task Force for the National Medical Association, said via The Washington Post:
“Lead builds in the body over time, and lead-containing lipstick applied several times a day, every day, can add up to significant exposure levels.”As ladies , we rock lipstick all the time so it IS something to think about when making purchases.
Click over HERE for the full list of lipstick the FDA reports contains lead.
And, most of the 11 lipsticks that do not contain lead are made by companies that DO NOT test on animals. Hmmmm..... makes you question, what is all this animal testing about anyway!? We all have to make an effort to use products that are not tested on animals.